#activity #scintilla

On Location: Thoringcar 2, Electric Boogaloo

Four years ago, on a fateful October day, a delegation of Scintillianen set foot in Eindhoven to bring a visit to our sister association: e.t.s.v. Thor. After a long bus trip, they attended the constitution drink to congratulate the newly constituted board of Thor, share some drinks with the Thor members and enjoy a meal with the pedellen. Both Scintilla and Thor still love to share great stories about this legendary “Thoringcar”, you can read about it in an earlier Vonk article. ...

#Advertorial #ASML

When opportunity knocks, dare to open the door

Experienced people know that careers are founded on as much luck as judgement and skill, as Arnela Masic discovered during her engineering studies in 2015. One lucky moment put her on a path to the career she enjoys today: she forgot her lunch. “A friend suggested I could get a free lunch at an ASML-hosted lunch meeting on campus that day. It was there I learned about the ASML scholarship. I applied and was eventually selected – it felt pretty special as only 25 scholarships are on offer in the Netherlands each year. ...