#TU Delft #TU/e #education

Studying in Eindhoven or Delft

In the Netherlands, the possibilities of studying Electrical Engineering are limited to only three universities: you can go to Eindhoven, Delft or Enschede. Of course, we are all familiar with the surroundings and atmosphere in Twente, but surely studying must be different in the other corners of the country… The editorial team asked two Scintilla members who have spent some time at the TU Eindhoven and TU Delft to talk about their experiences. This article shares the stories of Tim Huggers, who is doing his master EE at Eindhoven since 2022, and Fokko Perton, who studied EE and TCS in Delft from 2016 to 2019.

#quantum #bsc #assignment #ne

Quantum computers of the future? This material may be the key

You may have seen or read a lot about quantum computers in the past years, like how they have the potential to completely outperform classical computers in terms of computation time for more complex problems. However, the emphasis is on their potential: the main reason we haven’t all thrown our regular computers into the recycling bin and replaced them with quantum computers is that qubits, the quantum equivalent of bits, are extremely unstable. ...


7 YouTube Channels to Save your DegrEE

As you journey though the EE bachelor, first year or otherwise, you will find yourself falling back onto YouTube when things aren’t looking too bright. Whether you’re trying to cram after missing some lectures, save your project from falling apart, or simply trying to get a better understanding of the material and maybe even reignite your interest in it, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 7 YouTube channels that will help you all throughout EE, from the most basic calculus classes and circuit analysis to transistors, electrodynamics, processors, control theory, and much more. ...

#Radio #N-path filter #PhD #ICD #ADC

N-path filters and the future of radios

The astounding evolution of wireless communication started back in 1865 [1], when the scientist James C. Maxwell (figure 1) predicted that electric and magnetic fields propagate through space as waves. Figure 1: James C. Maxwell. After Heinrich Hertz experimentally confirmed these expectations, novel applications quickly started making use of this newly discovered world of possibilities. It began with analog wave modulation techniques in the first half of the 19th century and progressed into the use of digital modulation techniques for efficient transfer of information in the current modern era. ...

#Education #TOM

Transitioning to a new educational system

Seven years ago, the University of Twente introduced TOM, the Twente Educational Model (Twents Onderwijs Model in Dutch. Using TOM, the bachelors were built up of coherent modules, each containing a collection of courses in the same field and a project to put the acquired knowledge into practice. The goal was student development according to the T-shaped model, which means that students are able to utilize their knowledge in a broader context next to being strong in their respective discipline. ...