/ #Kick-In 

Kick-In 2023: Throwback Wednesday

Hello! I am Gregor, 18 years old, and I got to experience the kick-in for the first time this year, as a kiddo. After choosing Annie (with 33 years the oldest do-group of the UT), the adventure started. The first day almost all kiddo’s became members of Scintilla and discovered the Vestingbar in its full glory. That week I participated in various activities like storming the bastille, the campus crawl, a pubquiz, eating pizza four times in one week, skipping the warming up on Saturday morning, climbing the carillon to place a sticker at the top, a pool party and drinking quite some beer.

Arrival at the camp

Monday morning, still sleepy, we had to gather at 9AM at educafé. After waking up with possibly the worst coffee I have ever tasted, it was time for the most boring and probably most important part of the kick-in: the informative lectures about enrollment and general information about EE. After this rough morning, it was time for the notorious scintilla camp. Every do-group received a long list of challenges which had to be completed for points. After hearing some inside knowledge about the prize, we started frantically doing these challenges. We decided we had embarrassed ourselves enough after a swordfight with cucumbers in the supermarket, eating a whole citron in 48 seconds, running through a fountain for 20 beers, making a human pyramid and eating as much candy as possible in 1 minute, thus after this we decided it was time to go to the location of the camp.

What happens on camp… will be written about in De Vonk

The first day of camp we were placed in different groups, had dinner together and were dropped in the middle of nowhere. The next morning, we were woken up with a warming up which sadly was not skippable (remember Saturday?). Eventually the little sports games became fun and I even had a great time during the games. In the afternoon there were various challenges during which I discovered I am quite good at limbodancing. That evening I had my first cantus ever. It was a bit weird in the beginning, but just like the sports games, it became very amusing after a few drinks. When the tap closed around 3AM, I took my own ‘alcoholic beverage’ out of my bag which sadly (and rightfully) was taken away. We ended the evening with some pepernoten and then we waddled back to bed, trying not to stand on the limbs of the people that were already sleeping.

Closing off the Kick-In

Wednesday was not half as interesting. In the morning I woke up, cleaned up some bierbanken (having a lot of points did pay off!) and went home. Thursday was the last day of the kick-in. The do-group had lunch together, participated in the do-group battles and enjoyed their meals at the food truck festival. Later that evening, the kick-out party at the Grolschtent started, which led to a fantastic evening where a brassed Duracell shirt was placed on top of the carillon. This shirt would later be picked up by a member of Duracell. However, he sadly was caught by campus security. During the kick-in I got to know a lot of people, got to know scintilla and discovered about everything that Enschede has to offer. I am glad that I participated in the kick-in and am looking forward to becoming a do-group parent next year!