
‘De Vonk’ is the platform of E.T.S.V. Scintilla to share semi-scientific content and is edited by a group of enthousiastic members. This website features content regarding current research in the field of Electrical Engineering, student experiences during their minor/bachelor/master/internship/work-life, the proceedings and activities of E.T.S.V. Scintilla and other (semi-)scientific subjects worthy of note.


If you wish to come in contact with the editorial staff, direct your messages to vonk@scintilla.utwente.nl.


On the 1st of May 1982, a trial edition was published of what was to become a monthly magazine. The goal of these publications was to share information regarding ongoing scientific research, internships and excursions with the members of E.T.S.V. Scintilla. Over the years, other topics also became more common, such as the activities of committees regarding both education and leisure. Years later, publications came quarterly with a circulation of ~800 copies, the last edition of which was published in November 2019.

In 2019 a transition was made to this online platform to keep sharing current matters in a modern form and to continue appealing to the audience of ‘De Vonk’.


Physical editions were sent to the home adresses of all Scintilla members at the time of publishing. If you did not get the chance to see those editions then, you have the opportunity to explore them at your own leisure here.



The history of De Vonk goes back a long way. Up until 2011 (Edition 30), the study of Electrical Engineering was still the Dutch Elektrotechniek. Hence, ‘De Vonk, periodiek der E.T.S.V. Scintilla’ was still written in Dutch. Regardless of the language, these Vonk editions contain interesting articles.



There is no digital archive of all Vonk publication until Edition 27, but for the first physical Vonk an exception was made and it was scanned page-by-page for your reading pleasure. If you wish to view some of the editions not listed here, feel free to reach out to the Secretary of E.T.S.V. Scintilla who has access to the physical archives, where all physical Vonk editions are stored.

