Four years ago, on a fateful October day, a delegation of Scintillianen set foot in Eindhoven to bring a visit to our sister association: e.t.s.v. Thor. After a long bus trip, they attended the constitution drink to congratulate the newly constituted board of Thor, share some drinks with the Thor members and enjoy a meal with the pedellen. Both Scintilla and Thor still love to share great stories about this legendary “Thoringcar”, you can read about it in an earlier Vonk article. This year the 93rd board has taken the initiative to relive this adventure.
Several weeks ago, the board has gathered an enthusiastic group of 20 students to join them to their trek to Thor’s drinking room: Het Walhalla. This time, the Thoringcar took shape as three vans that were all kitted with the presence of hyped up Scintillianen, enough red wine or other beverages to go and most importantly: their Codex Scintillae. During the long trip to the magical mystical land of Brabant, each bus formed their own senate to initiate multiple bus cantus simultaneously. An attempt was made to save our sore throats for our performance at Thor, so musical assistance of ‘Gebroeders Scooter’ turned up after the cantus was closed, which turned out to be counterproductive to the attempt of saving our throats.
But at long last, at 4 ‘o clock we arrived at the foot of the Flux building on the campus of the TU/e. After some toilet breaks and other mental preparations the delegation was ready to set foot in Het Walhalla. Before preparing our song to be sung upon arrival, a parody version on a verse of Yogi Bear, our arrival was received with… a quite empty drinking room. But that only meant that we had no issue in getting our first round of beers. And not long afterwards, the drinking room was filled with the presence of the 66th board of e.t.s.v. Thor and their pedellen, just in time! And thus the real fun began…
…at least that is what I think that happened. For some reason I don’t remember much of my trip to Eindhoven, so I asked some of my fellow adventurers to share their experiences of that fateful day.
A generous donation was made to represent Scintilla in the association room of our sisters. However, that day there was one more donation made to Thor, this one was a little less generous:
Alas, at some point Het Walhalla closed her doors, thus our adventure continued to Loods 61, where we enjoyed a meal together with the (equally drunk) pedellen of Thor. After some great stories and some food in our stomachs we were ready enough to make our way back to Enschede. Some very necessary rest was had, our last songs were sung and a last few rounds on the roundabout of the entrance of the UT campus were made. And so we closed the second chapter of the Thoringcar, we won’t know for sure when the third chapter will be opened, but these 24 Scintillianen hope that they have inspired the 94th board to undertake a similar adventure.