7 YouTube Channels to Save your DegrEE

As you journey though the EE bachelor, first year or otherwise, you will find yourself falling back onto YouTube when things aren’t looking too bright. Whether you’re trying to cram after missing some lectures, save your project from falling apart, or simply trying to get a better understanding of the material and maybe even reignite your interest in it, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 7 YouTube channels that will help you all throughout EE, from the most basic calculus classes and circuit analysis to transistors, electrodynamics, processors, control theory, and much more. It is worth noting that YouTube can very rarely be seen as a substitute to actually following your courses – it’s simply a (sometimes lifesaving) tool to help you along the way.

I didn’t sign up for this many integrals

For all your basic math and calculus needs, we’d pretty strongly recommend NancyPi. Her channel is full of clear explanations of some of the concepts you might’ve learned in high school but probably forgot over the course of summer. In my opinion, that’s what makes a great refresher to get you back into math-mode after a period of stagnation. https://www.youtube.com/c/NancyPi

What does the sauce transformation have to do with inductors?

When it comes to circuit analysis, RSDAcademy has got plenty of useful resources. He goes all the way from basic knowledge about capacitors and inductors to astable multivibrators, Zener diodes, Operational Amplifiers, and more. His playlists are very neatly divided, and he has a bunch of videos that go over very specific (and sometimes confusing) topics, which he manages to explain quite simply. https://www.youtube.com/c/RSDAcademy

Amplifiers are just inductors, right?

While TheOrganicChemistryTutor might not immediately seem all that relevant to EE, I can assure you the name is quite misleading. This channel tackles a very wide range of topics, including (pre-)calculus, the very basics of circuits going all the way up to amplifiers and oscillators, and even has a whole playlist on number systems, which could come in pretty handy for module 5. His material can be quite specific and detailed, explaining different kinds of oscillators, going over transistor basics and Darlington pairs, and he also has a bunch of videos on electromagnetism and Maxwell’s equations. Cannot recommend this guy enough. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOrganicChemistryTutor

Whats a gar?

If you’re specifically here for mod 5, though, BenEater is the perfect choice. He’s got all sorts of videos explaining latches and flip-flops, ALU design, CPU control logic, and even has a video on the PS/2 keyboard interface (which could help with labs). The channel’s also got some content on networking and breadboards, and is overall a great resource to check out for all your computer-related queries. https://www.youtube.com/c/BenEater

If only the exams were as understandable as the lectures…

Moving onto mod 6, there’s no better channel than Brian Douglas. He’s got almost all topics from Control Engineering covered, ranging from Bode and Nyquist plots, to state space representation, root locus, PID control, and much more. It is worth noting that since 2018 he’s been making videos for MATLAB, which is why you’ll find a link to all his most recent videos in the last video he’s uploaded. They’re basically the same style as his older content, and it’s all bound to help with CE in some way. https://www.youtube.com/user/ControlLectures

Did somebody say something about crashing their study?

Lastly, we’ve got two channels that are great for intuitive understanding and can really help pique your interest, despite not necessarily helping with all the nitty-gritty details and calculations. First is CrashCourse, which has a sizeable number of playlists covering very diverse topics, the most useful of which will probably be Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics. https://www.youtube.com/c/crashcourse

I thought the transformers were robots

And of course, we can’t leave out 3Blue1Brown, for all the beautiful videos on Fourier and Laplace transforms, and all the topics that really serve as a reminder as to how interesting math can be. https://www.youtube.com/c/3blue1brown

So, free degree?

At the end of the day, you’re going to be the one saving your degree, not YouTube. Hopefully these channels will at least give you a push in the right direction. Remember to also make use of the resources provided by the university as well, so ask your TAs all the questions you have, work with your friends if things seem too hard, and try sharing whatever resources you find – you might end up helping save someone else’s degree too.


Ali Sakr

Member of the Vonk Editorial Team