#minor #study

Nothing major, is it?

During your bachelor you get two modules where you can decide to do almost anything you want to get credits for your study. Yes, it is the magical study space-time relation called your minor space. Those who have done their minors already know that it can range from the easiest to the hardest courses they took and from the most fun they had to the most dreading days of their bachelors. We asked four students to tell us the story of their minor.


7 YouTube Channels to Save your DegrEE

As you journey though the EE bachelor, first year or otherwise, you will find yourself falling back onto YouTube when things aren’t looking too bright. Whether you’re trying to cram after missing some lectures, save your project from falling apart, or simply trying to get a better understanding of the material and maybe even reignite your interest in it, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 7 YouTube channels that will help you all throughout EE, from the most basic calculus classes and circuit analysis to transistors, electrodynamics, processors, control theory, and much more. ...

#Study #Interview #Professor #Corona

Online teaching - How are the teachers coping?

What is going on at the other side of the screens? That is what we, the Vonk committee, asked ourselves after experiencing several weeks of online classes. How are our teachers doing? What do they think about online teaching? Do they miss us already? About a month ago we decided to start an ambitious project, we wanted to interview as many teachers as possible who had to deal with the online classes. ...

#Study #Tips #Discord

Working from Home

After finishing the third quartile from home, we all have experienced online studying. And I am sure you have video called your peers, listened to lectures via canvas conferences and maybe even made a take-home exam. On the other hand, it is even easier to get distracted or postpone your work, because you do not see your fellow students and teachers. After 5 weeks of quarantine studying experience, it might be nice to share some tips and tricks. ...

#Column #Study

Column: When is it too much?

Back in the old days, Electrical Engineering students studied a bit longer than nowadays. A way to increase the success rate of students, with lower costs, was the implementation of the Twents Onderwijs Model, TOM for short. This had a lot of influence on students. The different subjects throughout the year were woven into modules. The subjects in those modules were way more coherent and the module itself had a very structured way with a project as the climax. ...