#Junction #Interview

Junction: A chat with Chris Zeinstra

We interviewed Chris Zeinstra, assistant professor of the Data Management and Biometrics group (DMB). Most bachelor’s students know Chris from his second-year courses, Continuous Linear Systems and Digital Signal Processing, but there are plenty of other courses he’s working on, in addition to various research topics such as forensic biometrics and embedded artificial intelligence. Throughout the interview, we asked Chris all kinds of questions, from his role in education and opinion on the current curriculum, all the way to what kind of a student he was, and what makes a perfect student in his eyes. ...


7 YouTube Channels to Save your DegrEE

As you journey though the EE bachelor, first year or otherwise, you will find yourself falling back onto YouTube when things aren’t looking too bright. Whether you’re trying to cram after missing some lectures, save your project from falling apart, or simply trying to get a better understanding of the material and maybe even reignite your interest in it, we’ve got your back. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 7 YouTube channels that will help you all throughout EE, from the most basic calculus classes and circuit analysis to transistors, electrodynamics, processors, control theory, and much more. ...

#Activism #Committee #Committee Market #Become Active

What is a Scintilla Committee and Why Should You Join One?

While the first (non-online) year of university almost always comes with many unique opportunities, each study usually has its own special perks. For EE, one of these perks is Scintilla, the Electrical Engineering student association. As a new student this year (or a returning second-year), you get the chance to become an active member of the association and join one of Scintilla’s many committees - but what does that even mean? ...