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Quarterly Update: what's been happening?

Since I was gone for a while I decided to ask the board what happened this quartile while I was gone. Apparently a lot can happen while you are gone, so I decided to compile this summary in case more people missed anything.

First of all this quartile was of course the start of the academic year, which also meant a new board. They have been hard at work for over two months already, but you can read more about them in the Meet the Board article and next week’s article.

There have also been some wonderful activities in the meantime, such as the Olympiae Scintillae! The recount of this activity was a bit biased towards the board, as they were themselves a participating team which even won! It started with the usual athletic activities, such as Twister. After dinner it was time for the soldering competition, where it was the goal to get a working circuit the quickest. The last part was a pub quiz, after which the beautiful cup got awarded to the winners. The whole contest was described by one of the participants as a magical event, filled with festivities and wonderfulness.

Since it was the start of the academic year it was also time for the Bachelor’s degree ceremony. A notable occurrence is the graduation of seven students with both Honours and Cum Laude, which is more than the last 5 years combined. Congratulations to all the graduates!

The German Theme Drink was also well visited, with multiple people dressing up in the theme. The bartenders had arranged Bratwurst sandwiches and another pub quiz, this time corresponding to the theme. The winner wasn’t clear, but everyone had a lot of fun.

The last larger activity of the quartile was the impromptu Halloween drink, which was surprisingly well decorated even though it only got planned 2 days beforehand. People dressed up in the scariest outfit they could make in 5 minutes, got their faces painted and watched a few “scary” movies.

Lastly some digital systems got migrated so they could work together with the new systems. The old board members can now be found on sofa but, more importantly, the quote list as well!

Now that everyone is up to date again with what has happened the last few months we can look forward to the new quartile again, with some promising activities on the way.