/ #presidential note #Scintilla 

Presidential Note

Dear reader,

The first day of college is already a few weeks ago. By now you start to understand what the student life means. Hard work, long days but once in a while there is a fun activity. Maybe your body is able to get vitamins out of coffee and beer already, maybe you still have to adapt. For us this year is also a new start just as for you. I’m still wondering about how the year will be, how I can make the best of it and what is wise to do.

You have spend a few weeks in different college rooms probably. Trying to find the next one and wondering how far it will be from your current room. I was used to that already but now I my situation changed again. Everyday you can find me in the Scintilla room, I drink a lot of coffee and talk with everybody who passes by. After a hard day of work and a lot of coffee I am tired and energized (from the caffeine) at the same time. Luckily there is a remedy available from 4 o’clock. Hopefully many of you have seen and enjoyed it as well. The constitution season, one of the most interesting seasons in the year. Your first reaction might be that it is strange to get so many free beers. After a while you get used to it and you start to enjoy the whole happening there. For me, this year I learned how to fly, fall, push and pull through the whole room. This is simply because drinking free beer is not the only fun thing you can do at a constitution drink. “Brassen” is a ritual which is done and loved by many. You might have seen it and maybe you even want to try it. If this is the case, train for a whole year, so you will be the best pedel for the next board.

Now the season is over your liver can rest a little bit, you can go to bed early again and maybe you will even be able to keep your eyes open during the lectures. If you have rested enough and you think you are strong enough to have a nice evening and get your credits at the same time, there is good news. Now the constitution season is over the activities of Scintilla are going to start. Check the website, the little triangles in the educafe and ask the board, because almost every day there is something fun to do.

Hopefully the board is still energized and has rested as well, hopefully we will be settled a little bit and hopefully we can indeed provide those activities for you. We are trying our best to make this year one of your best years and one of the best years for Scintilla!

Dames en Heren, op de koningin, op Scintilla!


Ewout Baars

President of the 89th board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla