/ #on location #Scintilla 

On Location: Thoringcar

Scintilla went on a trip to the constitution drink of e.t.s.v. Thor. This year, not only Scintilla’s board went, but they took along everyone brave enough to wager the two-and-a-half-hour trip to Eindhoven. This came down to 40 Scintillianen in a touring car on their way to Eindhoven; the Thoringcar trip.

It is common for the board of Scintilla to attend the constitution drinks of both brother and sister associations. Which is the same for the boards of all the other association. As such, we were happy to receive the board of Thor during a constitution drink of our own in September and the dinner thereafter. We can only assume that the (candidate-)board members of Thor had a few drinks too many when they invited anyone attending the dinner to their constitution drink in October. Next to the board members from both ETV (Delft) and Scintilla, our ‘pedellen’ (see Vonk 36-4) were also present. They cheered after hearing this wonderful invitation and the idea of bringing an entire touring car of people was quickly conceived.

Some preparations and a month further and the Thoringcar is ready and waiting for passengers behind the Cubicus. The 40 enthusiasts enter the bus, and we are on our way! Everyone was eager to get to Eindhoven, which might explain the tropical temperatures in the bus, or maybe that was the malfunctioning air-conditioning… Anyway, the mood was great, and many opened their Codex Scintillae to sing a number of songs to kill some time. Special to the occasion was the Thoringcar information guide, which included some background information about the tour, Thor and songs for those who forgot their Codex Scintillae. Using this, the trip flew by quickly and it wasn’t long before we arrived on the TU/e campus.

After finding our way to the right building and the right floor we found Thor’s Walhalla. Unfortunately, we were a few minutes early, so we arrived in front of closed doors. An advantage was that as soon as the door opened, we were the first to enter the Walhalla (besides the people from Thor) and could head straight to the bar. It took some time before there were more than the 40 people that were not part of Scintilla in the Walhalla, but this did not stop us from having fun.

With 40 like-minded people at a constitution drink it is easy to initiate a ‘brasactie’. Unfortunately, the epic ‘pedelstaf’ was off-limits. So, we set our sights on the guestbook which was conveniently located outside the Walhalla and close to the exit. Covertly, we communicated our ‘time of attack’ and when the clock hit five thirty, we moved on the book. You would think that 20 Scintilla people tugging on it would help to move it to the door very fast, but unfortunately our attempt failed. After another unfruitful attempt we were kicked out by Thor because the constitution drink ended.

Many flights of stairs and a stroll to the restaurant later and the 40 of us were enjoying a splendid meal in the city centre of Eindhoven. After soothing our hunger, we got back to the bus. Luckily, the bus driver would still have us, even after ingesting a lot of golden liquid enthusiasm. Personally, I had a great trip home as I was vast asleep. Others still had some energy left and repeated what they did on the way to Eindhoven, namely, a lot of singing!

The trip was very successful, and we look forward to receiving the board of e.t.s.v. Thor and its entourage in September!