#Scintilla #Cantus #Codex

Singing, Drinking, Discussion and Writing: the New Codex Scintillae

If you have been to a cantus of Scintilla somewhere in the past five years, the chances are big that you own a Codex Scintillae. This is a nice bundle with all the rules of the Cantus Scintillae, a bit of history and (most importantly) a selection of songs that can be sung during the cantus. However, if you own one of these codices, you’re probably in dire need of a new one, as the pages are letting go of the booklet. ...

#On Location #Activity

On Location: SME Market

On September the 28th Scintilla organized the first SME (small - medium enterprises) market and dinner. As I’m near the end of my study period, I feel a slight urge to start looking for jobs and I signed up for the market and dinner. The description of the activity promised an afternoon and dinner where the participants would have the opportunity to meet employees of 8 SMEs from this region. So I signed up with 30 other students and participated in this great networking activity. ...

#Junction #Interview #System-on-Chip

Junction: A chat with dr. ir. Sabih Gerez

We interviewed Sabih Gerez, assistant professor of the Computer Architecture of Embedded System (CAES) group. While bachelor students may not be acquainted with him, he is well known under a large portion of the master students Electrical Engineering. All the students who followed the mandatory course System-on-Chip Design have met this busy man. Besides teaching one day (on paper) at the University, Sabih also runs his own company. During this interview we asked him all about combining industry with education. ...

#Module 6 #Segway #Hardware #mod6

The birth of a Segway

The module Systems and Control in the Electrical Engineering Bachelor has always been a painful point and a difficult hurdle for many students. Even before TEM, the course ‘Dynamische Systemen’ was difficult and saw many resitters. With the introduction of this new educational model, more emphasis was placed on an all-encompassing project to tie together all other courses. For the last five years, the goal of this project was to model and control a miniature segway. ...