/ #Datasheet #Cooking 

Datasheet: Culinary Athletics from the Alps

The culinary world knows no bounds, wherever you go in the world there are local cuisines to be experienced and unique meals to be had. However, if you look too far into the deepest corners of the world you might find more than you have bargained for…

And this is what the adventurers of SKItilla might just be responsible for. Whenever they settle down somewhere in the high peaks of Europe they put together a peculiar meal in order to piss off the nearby Italians: risotto with smoked sausage. Since last ski trip it has been the third time the chefs of SKItilla have made this specific dish, and thus a tradition has been founded. This combination of ingredients may sound rather cursed, but if you think about it a bit more thoroughly, this might just start becoming more sensible. Could this be the right form of protein for a skiing enthusiast, or the ideal meal to put together in a minute for a large student house? In this article I would like to uncover the secret to this monstrosity.

SKItilla Delight (risotto with smoked sausage)

Ingredients: (for 4 persons)

  • 1 celeriac (Dutch: knolselderij)
  • 250g carrots
  • 2 red onions
  • 1l water
  • 1 tablet of chicken stock
  • 300g risotto
  • 100ml white wine
  • 250g smoked sausage
  • 300g frozen peas

What to do:

  1. Cut your vegetables. Cut the celeriac in small cubes, halve the carrots and cut them into thin slices, dice the onions.
  2. Put some oil in a pan and saute the onions for 2 minutes on low heat. Meanwhile, put 1l of water in a pan together with the chicken stock tablet, bring to a boil.
  3. Turn up the heat to medium-high, add the rest of your vegetables and saute those for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add the risotto and fry this together with the vegetables for 3 minutes or until the risotto start to show some colour.
  5. Deglaze the pan with a bit of wine, stir until the risotto has soaked up the wine.
  6. Add a splash of chicken stock to the risotto pan (with a large spoon), keep stirring until the risotto has soaked up the stock. Continue adding stock until the rice is soft.
  7. 5 minutes before serving, add the sausage and peas to the pan until they are warm. Finish with salt and pepper to taste before serving.

After further investigation on the recipe I am starting to get the vibe. Risotto, just like any kind of rice, goes very well with anything that you have in your cupboards… and sometimes this thing is smoked sausage. So don’t be afraid to spice up this meal by swapping out ingredients with your favorite vegetables or other exotic kinds of meat. In case you do go for sausage, make sure to get the right one… This recipe is about the classic U-shaped Dutch sausage, not the one that belongs on bread and gets soggy when warm.