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1948-2023: 75 Years of Impact!

This year, the University Foundation celebrates its 75th anniversary. Older than the University of Twente and with a lot of history!

With support from local and national industry the former ‘Stichting Technisch Hoger Onderwijs voor Noord- en Oost-Nederland’ was founded on 17 December 1948. The goal of this foundation was to promote technical higher education in the north and east of the Netherlands and to continue providing support once schools were founded. Staying true to their goal this lobby managed to get the government to found the ‘Technische Hogeschool’ in the north-east of the Netherlands. The public support in the region and moreover the close proximity to the powerful industry in Twente made Enschede the place to found the ‘Hogeschool’.

Within five days a fairly large donation was gathered by local industry and local benefactors. The foundation was appointed to manage this donation money. During the years not only local industry and benefactors donated money but more and more alumni and former employees started to contribute. The foundation’s goal, however, has never changed through the years: to provide support to what is now the University of Twente.

Halfway through the last century, almost 50 founders and many patrons formed the basis of the Twente Technical College.

Founders are those organisations that contributed at least ƒ 10,000 to the former Twente College Fund Foundation before 1 July 1964. These 47 organisations may call themselves ‘Founders’. Unfortunately 23 of the original 47 companies have closed. Many of them were active in the Twente steel and textile industry that collapsed in the Seventies. And after diverse mergers and one split, 18 heirs remain of the other Founders. You can read more about the role of the founders of the Twente University Fund in the book ‘Aanjager’. Here you can find the list of original founders. You can consult a list of the current founders here.

But what does the Twente University Fund do for you?

The University Fund supports a lot of different activities, both for students and student organization as researchers and research departments. Their goal is to support the community’s innovative and unique activities and promote the University of Twente’s scientific profile. In only 2023 already they have supported over 30 activities, from symposia and study trips to the batavierenrace and even the NK Klonkieball. They have supported every study trip from Scintilla so far, such as SPOCK6 and 7, and we thank them greatly.

Study Tour SPOCK6 on their trip

Study Tour SPOCK6 on their trip