/ #Presidential Note #Scintilla 

Presidential Note

Hello there, you may not know me yet, however fortunately a little further up ahead in this Vonk there is an introduction about me and the rest of my board. As you might guess while reading this presidential note, I am Lars and will be entertaining you with presidential notes this year.

I have now been a board for a little over a month. During this time, I am starting to feel what it is like to be a board member. My expectations where that I would not get a lot of sleep and that I would be very busy during the first weeks, during the day and evening. However, so far I am starting to feel more and more like a working civilian. I fall asleep before 11 o’ clock while watching tv and wake up before 8 in the morning. I go to the Scintilla room early and usually leave sometime between 5 and 6 o’ clock.

Of course, there are many things as a board member that make you feel more like a student. One of them is of course the constitution drinks! The first three weeks are filled with them and they have been lots of fun. We expected that the oldest study association of the UT would not be let waiting when visiting the other associations, however that was not quite always true. Because we, as every proper board, do not let that happen lightly, often took the initiative by taking our rightful place. Something the other associations did not always appreciate. Something we learned here is the cooperation with other boards. When you on your own try to take your rightful place, this does not always work, however when working together with other boards, under the shout of “WIJ ZIJN” you can always take your place.

As you read this, the constitution season is already over. The board will again be quite civilian, present from 8:30 until 18:00. During this time the board will be at many scintilla activities. There are many useful and fun activities, especially during the start of the academic year. If you look at the little triangles scattered around the balcony and Educafé you will find many fun things to do. Be sure to look only at the Scintilla page, otherwise you might end up at a “tai-pain” tournament, or at a Harry Potter style house drink.

Of course, as a board this year we would like to change some things slightly, while flipping others completely around, such as cakes. There are many things we would like to add or remove, one of our biggest challenges is making sure all members have a roof over their head. During the year there are many new students, and many of them are not able to find a home on short notice. Which makes them travel for a long time, sleep in hotels or sleep without a roof above their head. During our candidate period, the board has already sacrificed one house for these people in the hope the situation improves. We hope the situation will improve throughout our board year, and of course we will do our best to help everyone.

Be sure to drop by the Scintilla room for a coffee, tea or a speech about relation between tai-pan and homelessness.

Dames en Heren, op de koningin, op Scintilla!