/ #New #Website 

Welcome to the Future!

One of the articles in the last Vonk, not accidentaly titled ‘The Last Vonk’, made a glance over 37 years of Vonk history. It would be possible to do the same for this platform, but that would make no sense as we are only getting started! Perhaps you crave more original Vonk content, perhaps you just want to check out this new website. We are glad you made it, one way or another.

Just getting started

2019 marks the last year for publishing a Vonk each quartile. You might be sad to see it go, but so are we. An easy source of content for this website, gone… Fortunately, the newly available time not spend on creating this analogue masterpiece, can now be devoted to new content. No more layouting (a tedious process as described in Vonk 37-1), at least not using In-Design. Instead, the online tool, Hugo, can be used (perhaps not coincidentally also described in Vonk 37-1) which does all of the graphic work for us. Hugo also opens many doors to alternative content formats such as video’s, Social media and more. Ideas for new content quickly spring to mind: a vlog-style on-location, interactive marketing or audiovisual support for total immersion. All possible, but not yet implemented.

What has been implemented, however, is a demonstration of a chess game, which goes along with an entire article on how games of chess are noted down, go and check it out. This is just a brief showcase of what is possible, but expect more unique content in the future!

What’s next?

If you feel that you have a great idea and to have it featured on our new platform, or perhaps you want to help generate more unique content, than don’t hesitate to contact us. Be careful though, this can be time consuming! So, if you rather sit back and enjoy reading, than please go ahead and stay tuned for a new article each Wednesday.

If you need a reminder, follow the Vonk’s Facebook or LinkedIn page where you will be notified of new releases.