/ #Scintilla #Board 

Meet the board!

Every year, somewhere around September, our beautiful association Scintilla gets a new board. This year the 93rd board was charged at the 6th of September (nice). There is something special about this board, this year there are only four board members, the minimum amount according to our articles of association. This has not happened since the 84th board, but let’s not get into that. In this article the new board members of Scintilla will introduce themselves, what their functions entail, some fun facts and a picture so you know who to talk to.

Aniek Oude Bruinink, President and Commissioner of Internal Affairs

You might have known me for a few years now or just met me during the Kick-In. My name is Aniek Oude Bruinink and I am currently a fourth year student Electrical Engineering. As a freshman, I became active at Scintilla for the Parents’ Day committee. Now, three years later, I am part of the board as President and Commissioner of Internal Affairs. You might wonder what these functions mean exactly and what I am doing all day. I will tell you more about myself and these functions in this article.

During my first year as a student I lived with my parents in my birthplace Denekamp. This village, located in Twente, is approximately 20 kilometres away from the university. Every day I cycled for an hour to the university and back. Once the covid-19 measures further easened, I realised that I really liked the activities and the drinks Scintilla organised. I did not want to cycle back at night alone anymore, so I decided to live on campus, just two minutes away from the Vestingbar. I visit my parents every two weeks, but that is mostly because I still have a pet there. His name is Jip and is a (obedient) parakeet. He really likes the song ‘Una Paloma Blanca’ for some reason. I have joined a lot of committees the past three years, I will mention a couple of them: SKIC, Borrel, Gala, EEMCS-trip and the MasterCLASS. I really liked being active at Scintilla. Now this has escalated a bit into doing a fulltime board year for this beautiful association. This is not my first board year, as I am part of the current board of the acquisition foundation SBZ. I am the chairman of the Daily Board, luckily that function is only parttime, as that helps a bit in the workload in my life. SBZ is shorthand for ‘Stichting Borrelbeheer Zilverling’ and mainly keeps the drinking rooms functional and arranges the assortment of drinks in the Abscint & MBasement.

Besides being the chairman of the SBZ Daily Board, I am now a President too. I need to get used to the title and the responsibility. As the President, I am the face of the association and the final responsible. Besides, the person with this function should keep an close eye on the other board members. The function Commissioner of Internal Affairs seems a bit less serious, but is actually quite important. The Commissioner of Internal Affairs plans all the activities of Scintilla and has as main goal to strengthen the relations between members and the association. This person is for instance arranging the committee market, but you will find him/her a lot at drinks as well to provide bonding. For a couple of weeks now I am fulfilling both functions. I still need to get used to some tasks and it can be busy sometimes. However, I really like it and the four of us are a good team. I am looking forward to the rest of this board year with my fellow boardmembers.

Pieter Paasman, Secretary and STORES Administrator

Hi! My name is Pieter, I am the Secretary and STORES Administrator of the 93rd Board of the beautiful study association E.T.S.V. Scintilla. I was born in 2001 in Zeist, a town in the province of Utrecht. Growing up I started playing the trombone when I was 8 years old, taking weekly lessons till I was 18 and moved to Twente. My Saturdays I spent at a scouting group in Zeist, as a member till my 17th, and as a group leader for the four years after that. Being a leader there allowed me to learn how to organise activities for kids or set up a week-long summer camp which was always very enjoyable. Fun fact: my first camp as a leader was in Blokhut ‘t Plaanknhoes III in Delden, four weeks before my own Kick-In where the camp was in the same building.

Anyway, somewhere around the 5th year of VWO I found out how interesting the world of Electrical Engineering was and decided it would be the right study for me. To find out which of the three universities in The Netherlands that offer the Bachelor EE would fit me the best, I went to open days in all three the cities. Delft was the first to be struck off of my list, and after doing Student For A Days at both Eindhoven and Twente, the choice was easy.

The first year of my studies I lived in Hengelo as I couldn’t find a room closer. At the first committee market I attended (lured by the free sandwiches), the Webteam committee caught my attention. I was interested in web development before and wanted to try if I could help make the Scintilla site better. After spending the first year of COVID back at my parents, I decided staying in Twente for the rest of the pandemic was more fun. During the start of my second year I joined the SKIC, responsible for organising the study-related part of the Kick-In. The weekly meetings, mostly online due to the regulations were fun, but not as much fun as the Kick-In and post-intro camp of course.

In 2019, I joined SHOT, the student wind orchestra of Twente. We rehearse every Thursday on campus. Sadly, the pandemic meant we could barely rehearse for over a year, meaning a lot of online pubquizzes and drinks over Discord. After some time, I joined the printing committee there, which is probably the committee that takes the least effort I have ever done. Still, I enjoyed the committee and after a year joined the Travel Committee, responsible for organising a concert trip to München, Montecatini Terme, Pisa and Florence. We gave a concert in Augsburg, München and Montecatini Terme, but the one in München was not planned, so that was a very spontaneous evening. I was treasurer of the Travel Committee, and I learned at lot about finances which will hopefully help me being Administrator.

Anyways, after all this activism I decided that it was time for something bigger, so I applied for a board year at our beautiful association. Since I like making sure general administration is okay but also enjoy working with finances so I ended on combining the functions Secretary and STORES Administrator. I look forward to doing this board year and hope to see you in the Scintilla room or at one of our activities.

Roosmarijn Meijers

Three (‘Vo) weeks ago I was charged as the new Treasurer and Vice President of E.T.S.V. Scintilla. Since then the association has not declared bankruptcy, so you could say I am doing a great job (or if you set the bar a bit higher you could say I am just doing my job). You might wonder, who is this person we entrusted with the bookkeeping of our association? Well, allow me to introduce myself…

I am Roos (Roosmarijn) Meijers, a 21 year old BSc Electrical Engineering graduate. Born and raised in a city with the very suitable name Goor (English translation: Disgusting/Gross). For the first two years of my study I lived there, at first for financial reasons, but later because corona happened. Eventually, as every sain person I left Goor and moved to Enschede. As for my hobbies: my free time is mainly filled with watching Netflix, so if you ever need an opinion or a suggestion on what to watch: feel free to ask! Of course that is not all there is to me, I also like to read (don’t read study). Mostly about history or current scientific theories. This has resulted in me knowing a lot of trivia, but sadly not the kind that is useful for a pubquiz. And as for sports, I used to do athletics but running is the only part that I still practice (occasionally). Ice skating and horse riding also belong to the sports that used to occupy my time.

If you are one of our younger members you might recognise me from the open days and/or matching days. In the first year of my study I joined the open days team, but unfortunately we only had one physical open day before we had to move everything online. Nowadays I am the team captain of the Electrical Engineering open days, which means that I am extra busy around the open days to arrange a team of students, equipment, rooms and lecturers for the program. So besides my tasks as board member I also attend a lot of meetings with our faculty and marketing personnel to ensure the open days run smoothly.

And how I ended up in the board of Scintilla? For that we need to go back to my first committee market where I got dragged into the Sjaarscie and Parentsday committee, this was the start of my life as an active member. At the end of my first year I joined SCALA and in my second year the SKIC was added to the list. The FAC, BDSM and De Vonk were also graced by my presence at some point. These committees showed me the inner workings of Scintilla and how to organize (big) activities. I also got to know a lot of the other members and the Scintilla room became my favourite place to be, although that might have also been caused by the free tea, dice and pens. In my last year of my bachelor I knew that I wanted to take a year before starting a master. I doubted between doing a board year and joining a student team, but we already know where my choice landed. So now I am treasurer the coming year. This means that I am in charge of the finances of Scintilla and that I have to keep up our books. I am looking forward to taking off with the money of Scin… ehm, I mean I am looking forward to having a love-hate relationship with Multivers (our accounting program).

See you in the Scintilla room!

Timo van Beelen

Hi dear Vonk reader,

Last in line, or first if you start at the left of the photos, is me! I am Timo van Beelen and I am the new Commissioner of External and Educational Affairs of E.T.S.V. Scintilla. What this means, I will explain a bit later. First let me introduce myself.

21 years ago, I was born in Sassenheim, a village located in Zuid-Holland. At a young age I moved to Beilen, a small village in Drenthe (I know, Drenthe does not exist yeah yeah yeah…….) and now I live here in Twente. Growing up, I developed a passion for music and practised several instruments since of which I am only semi-good at playing one right now. Since apparently sporting is healthy for a human, I also try to cycle once in a while which turned out to be quite enjoyable, who would have guessed. When I was young, I always had a passion for physics, but also for design. This, of course, led to my study choice.

When I turned 18 and I was done with high-school, I moved to Enschede to start my student life. However, my first study choice was not Electrical Engineering. I started off with something more in the world of design, or as some would say, more artsy. I started as a Creative Technology student. However, I noticed quick enough that this artsy and design thing was not for me. I enjoyed the Electrical Engineering side of the study much more, so after one year I switched studies to where I am now, an Electrical Engineering student.

In my first year, I did not take the general path most active members (and especially board members) took. I did not take part in the Kick-In as an EE-kiddo and I did not join any committees during my first year due to the Covid problems. The second year was quite a rollercoaster. Starting with becoming a parent for the (sadly already dead) do-group NP-junction, after which I actually became active in multiple committees. And when I say that it would become a rollercoaster, I meant it. During the year I joined a total of 10 committees. This might be the reason I did not pass anything from module 8, looking back at it. At the same time, I somehow managed to become part of the candidate board. And within a year of becoming active for the association I was charged as Commissioner of External and Educational Affairs of the 93rd board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla.

Like everyone else in the board this year, I have two functions. The first of which is the Commissioner of External Affairs, which means that I focus on keeping contact with companies that might be interesting for the students. Together with them, I will organise events that might help you with your career orientation. Being Commissioner of Educational Affairs, I also make sure that everything regarding the study itself goes as planned and if not, I will take up contact with the responsible people at the faculty.

While I am in contact with a lot of external parties, I love the association mainly because of our members. I am looking forward to seeing you all around the Scintilla Room! Don’t hesitate to come and get some coffee and free notebooks and pens. And if you have any problems, or just want to get something of your mind, then you can always come and complain to me.

See you soon,

Timo van Beelen