#Scintilla #SPOCK #Study Trip

SPOCK7: the journey so far

About once every two years a group of students from Electrical Engineering at the UT go on a study trip. They travel to different regions in the world and visit companies as well as universities there, getting a better understanding of the culture of the region and the work that is done by the visited organisations. In this article the current SPOCK committee will give an update on the ongoing study trip.

#Scintilla #Articles of Association #By-laws #What the Vonk? #General Meeting

Articles of Association & By-laws – What the Vonk?!

Despite the rewards that those attending the General Meetings (GM) receive: exclusive insider-information about how the association is being run and how the money is being spent, the chance to decide on important policies through participating in votes - we understand that you might not have the time or enthusiasm to attend these often overextending (and in all honesty mostly boring) meetings. The last GM on the 8th of March presented the proposed changes to the By-laws and the official Articles of the Association; this article will expand on what these are and why they needed changing, so keep reading! ...

#Scintilla #Cantus #Codex

Singing, Drinking, Discussion and Writing: the New Codex Scintillae

If you have been to a cantus of Scintilla somewhere in the past five years, the chances are big that you own a Codex Scintillae. This is a nice bundle with all the rules of the Cantus Scintillae, a bit of history and (most importantly) a selection of songs that can be sung during the cantus. However, if you own one of these codices, you’re probably in dire need of a new one, as the pages are letting go of the booklet. ...