Presidential Note
Dear Vonk reader, It’s 2023 already! I would like to wish you the best for the coming year. I hope you enjoyed the holidays and kept all your fingers and brain cells. During last New Year’s Eve, I looked back on 2022 with my fellow board members. A lot has happened in the past year. I know that some memories will stay with me for a lifetime.
In January, the social world opened up. Covid-19 measures were loosened. Drinks were possible but still limited. Slowly the restrictions regarding the pandemic disappeared and the pre-covid life became the standard again. More students came back to university and activism at Scintilla increased. We have gained two committees in 2022, the BDSM and SCEER. Luckily, these committees have nothing to do with something dirty or low quality. The ‘Beauty Department Scintilla Merchandise’ created the Scintilla dice and the fabulous winter scarfs last year, while ‘Scintilla Cooks for EE Eating Regulars’ started to arrange delicious food during activities.
A new website launched this past year. DIGI has put a lot of effort into building this site. They managed, even with the Congressus member administration. Last May, the previous board organised an active members weekend, which was the first edition. Having a cantus in Ootmarsum and screaming in the wild water attraction of Hellendoorn became great memories. It was also the first time that Scintilla had two constitution drinks in one year. Due to the pandemic, the 92nd board had to delay their constitution drink a couple of times. In May, it was finally possible for them to celebrate their constitution. Four months later, it was already the 93rd board’s turn to celebrate theirs with free drinks. Somehow, I cannot remember much of both events, but I know that both were a success and ended with a nice dinner and some karaoke afterwards. In October, the big lustrum afterparty took place in Update. The ABBA coverband and the glow in the dark theme made the glorious night even better. A few days before, we went to Eindhoven for the Constitution drink of our sister association. The Thoringcar came back to life for the second time. You can read all about this in the Vonk article regarding Thoringcar 2, written by RickR.
The year ended with our traditional Christmas dinner. After three years, it was finally happening again. Educafé transformed into a big dining room with Christmas lights. There were some small fires during the evening, but luckily everyone survived, even the green button and the Christmas tree. A lot of positive things happened in 2022 and there are too many to cover in this article.
I am looking forward to this year, 2023. The resolutions are still fresh and not (yet) overlooked. Stay positive, accept things to come and go. I believe that we will make 2023 even better!
Dames en heren,
Op de koningin, op Scintilla!