/ #Presidential Note #Scintilla 

Presidential Note

Goedemorgen zonnestraaltjes, goodmorning sunshines, Welcome to another presidential note. These are weird times. With the summer just having started, it may not feel like summer. While it is quite warm outside and the sun is shining until the evening, there are no barbeques on the O&O square, no vacations to far-off countries and no epic end of the year activities. In this presidential note I will give you some ideas for fun things to do in your off time.

Instead we are all sitting inside, maybe your test results that you worked so hard on are invalided because some jackass cheated. If you are the jackass that cheated, I don’t think you will have made many friends. Fortunately, it is just a couple of days and the exam period will be over and you will have hopefully finished all your deadlines.

During this time, especially with the nice weather, it can be annoying to sit inside your house whole day. While it is of course necessary to study for your exams or to work on your deadlines you will likely have some time left to enjoy by yourself or with some friends. Of course, in the summer holidays you will have a lot more time on your hands to do more fun things.

When you have some spare time on your hands, it is nice to go outside and do some activities with a group of roommates or friends. Many bars & other things in the city are closed, so it is nice to do something different with just your friends. The easiest thing to do is go to a nearby park or grass field and play some games. Nice suggestions are playing flunky ball or a nice Scintilla tradition which is the cantus, which I will tell you about more in this note.

A cantus can be held at any scale, and even if you are with just a few of you it can be nice to sing some songs while drinking your favourite beverages. If you have a many roommates or a lot of friends you could make your small scale cantus a bit more proper by assigning people to be the senate and by handing out many ‘ad fundum’, of course all at 1.5 meter.

Of course, even when hanging out with your friends and housemates you get bored after a while in the long summer holiday. Therefore there will be some epic physical Scintilla activities to keep you busy during this time. There will be a drink, something sportsy and maybe even one of the famed Cantus Scintillae.

Op de Koningin, op Scintilla!