#Activism #Committee #Committee Market #Become Active

What is a Scintilla Committee and Why Should You Join One?

While the first (non-online) year of university almost always comes with many unique opportunities, each study usually has its own special perks. For EE, one of these perks is Scintilla, the Electrical Engineering student association. As a new student this year (or a returning second-year), you get the chance to become an active member of the association and join one of Scintilla’s many committees - but what does that even mean? ...

#educational award #education #committee #Scintilla

Electrical Extravaganza

Have you ever wondered why you study electrical engineering? You might have thought about it for your whole life, just before you started, or not at all, and just picked a study with a high salary. Is it because you wanted to explain lightning, build the newest sound system and/or follow in the footsteps of Rowan Atkinson, a.k.a. Mr. Bean? Anyway, I just wanted more of the adrenaline rush I got from working with electrical systems. ...

#cantus #committee


The Cantus Scintillae: A tradition of traditions Cantus: a night full of singing and drinking. Almost all students are familiar with the concept, many have joined one cantus or more in their student time and every institution handles a cantus differently. Already during the Kick-In students get familiarized with this concept during the Taste cantus and (of course) our own Scintilla intro-cantus. But where does it come from? And why do some people like it so much, while others absolutely hate it? ...

#committee #SHOCK #electronics #hobby


You probably have heard of the committee and every now and then the activity pops up on the site again: the SHOCK hobby evening. It sounds epic, but what is it exactly? The SHOCK (“Scintilla’s hobby commissie voor knutselaars”) supports the Electronic hobbyist at Scintilla. We organize the occasional hobby evening in the Westzaal, where all the fancy equipment of the Westzaal is available for you. SHOCK activities last the entire evening, so you can prototype and solder to your heart’s desire! ...