#solarteam #student team #innovation edition

Electrifying your student life at Solar Team Twente

“A student team after a board year? Why not!” And that is how I started another year of evading my studies. In the past year I did however learn a lot. Not only did I got to know the inner workings of a solar powered car, but also what goes on before and after the design of a project. The hassle of designing a working ánd efficient product and how to make sure the manufacturing is foolproof. And to top it all off, end with an amazing race in South Africa.

#TU Delft #TU/e #education

Studying in Eindhoven or Delft

In the Netherlands, the possibilities of studying Electrical Engineering are limited to only three universities: you can go to Eindhoven, Delft or Enschede. Of course, we are all familiar with the surroundings and atmosphere in Twente, but surely studying must be different in the other corners of the country… The editorial team asked two Scintilla members who have spent some time at the TU Eindhoven and TU Delft to talk about their experiences. This article shares the stories of Tim Huggers, who is doing his master EE at Eindhoven since 2022, and Fokko Perton, who studied EE and TCS in Delft from 2016 to 2019.

#Arago #Archives

Arago: s.c.v.m.d.d.v.s.h.g. or just S.V.?

‘Scintilla’s commissie voor mensen die de verkeerde studie hebben gekozen Arago’, in short s.c.v.m.d.d.v.s.h.g. Arago or just S.V. Arago. If you have never heard of them, they are the study association for Applied Physics and a proud committee of Scintilla. You may have seen their board on the last committee market or heard them join in our ‘proost’ during a constitution drink. How did this start? Have they really been a committee of Scintilla? Or is this one of the student legends that everyone takes as a fact? At the Vonk we tried to find out how the story fits the history!

#MSc #Assignment #DAC #DTC

Analyzing a Bottom-Switched Current Source Topology for Digital to Time Converters at Low Supply Voltages

In today’s world electronic devices are all around us. A primary building block within these devices is the Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC). This block can convert a digital signal (i.e. a code consisting of 1’s and 0’s) into an analog signal by for instance switching on/off current sources using switches. A traditional switching method requires 2 overdrive voltages to make this work. If this voltage can be reduced, applications can work at lower supply voltages which saves power. A new switching technique is build and tested in a Digital-to-Time Converter (DTC) application.