#Ricardo Rail #Advertorial #Trains #Power systems

Overhead Systems for Trains

In the period from 1850 - 1900, trains were already travelling the world. Steam trains, to be exact. Diesel engines did not yet exist. What was emerging, however, was electricity. The Icons of EE series describe the pioneers and their differences of opinion throughout the Current War. Railway operators in Europe also did not agree on what the best overhead voltage was for their electrically powered trains. To save on coal and manpower, transport companies tried to run their trains electrically. ...

#Shell #Advertorial #power electronics #renewables

Power electronics key in renewables

Wind power seems easy. Put a turbine at sea, lay a cable to land and connect it to the grid. But without power electronics the energy transition would lose steam quickly. Finding smart brains that know how to put it all together to the most optimum setting are hard to find. Like for Shell, which is building offshore wind farms to make green hydrogen to help industries and heavy-duty transport to become sustainable. ...

#advertorial #Witteveen+Bos #EM

Electromagnetic Influence Within Residential Areas

Nowadays the demand for both an increase in energy supply and an increase in newly built housing requires significant adaptation of the electricity grid. With less construction space available electrical substations, powerlines and residential areas are placed much closer to each other. This article covers a case where the inductive influence is determined by Witteveen+Bos on piping nearby the new substation. 1. Introduction A substation near a residential area might cause adverse effects for residents. ...

#Advertorial #ASML #Company

ASML innovates with the future in mind

To work with extreme specifications to build a machine that meets the requirements that are still years ahead from now. For ASML’s engineers, it’s everyday’s business. They follow the in 1965 invented Moore’s Law, that serves as the heartbeat for technological evolution that manufacturers of microchips, ASML’s customers, strive for. So, ASML basically has a glass sphere that predicts what its lithography machines should be able to do. However, the development of these machines requires ASML to venture on technological adventures – expeditions that often seem impossible, but are ever surprising. ...

#Company #Development cycle #Carreer

Working as an Engineer at Benchmark

After a tremendous amount of effort and countless nights of sleep studying you have finally achieved your goal. Three or five years (or six, eight, maybe ten..?) of hard work have finally paid off. You have mastered the concepts of electrical engineering and you are ready to put all those skills and knowledge into action! Just one small thing, where to start? The field of electrical engineering is big, very big and it still grows bigger day by day. ...

#Nedap #RFID #Personal Development #Advertorial

How I developed the Rolls Royce among UHF readers

When Kiman (42) first came into contact with Nedap six years ago through a squash buddy, he thought it was something extraordinary: unlimited vacations, no fixed training budgets, a lot of freedom to fill in your job the way you want to and above all, short lines of communication with other teams. This was a huge difference from the engineering firm where he had previously worked as an electrical engineer. There everything went by the hour and he never felt like the owner of the products he was working on. ...