#committees #history

Old Committees: A Dive in the Archives

Committees have always been a significant workforce of a study association. Teams of students come together to contribute to their association. They could contribute in any form they are motivated for. Like, taking recent examples, organizing fun bonding activities such as drinks or ski trips, forming a platform to discuss study matters or crafting digital systems that are to be used by association members. Currently Scintilla has around 30 active committees which show their faces regularly around the association. ...

#Penningen #History #Board

Scintilla's Chains of Office (Penningen)

They are hung around the necks of the brand new board members every change GMM, they are visible on every board photo. Yet very little is known about them, despite the fact that when handed over to the new board members a story is told about why each one belongs to a specific board position. I’m talking, of course, about Scintilla’s chains of office. During my period as part of a candidate board it became clear that the chains of office were no longer insured. ...

#history #mainarticle #Ampere

A Trip through History

In February, the foundation behind the historic study collection of the faculty of EEMCS, Ampère, celibrated the 40th anniversary of the faculty’s historic collection. Over these 40 years, the collection has steadily grown to the impressively diverse collection it is today. We’ve paid the foundation a visit and are very excited to share some stories behind the historical devices present in their collection. About Ampère Martin Beusekamp is one of the volunteers helping out with maintaining and extending the historic collection. ...

#afterlife #Scintilla #history

Afterlife: Harmen Droogendijk

In the rubric ‘Afterlife’, alumni in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente look back at their time as a student. They take us along their study time and subsequent career path and share what defined their period at Scintilla and the University of Twente. In this Vonk’s edition: Harmen Droogendijk. Study period (2003-2009) About 15 years ago, I started my study electrical engineering at the University of Twente together with approximately 80 other students. ...

#main article #Scintilla #History

A Brief History of Scintilla

In 2015, Scintilla celebrated 50 years of existence. A lot of things have happened since the establishment of the association in 1965. Rich traditions were born that have shaped not only the history of Scintilla, but also that of the University of Twente. We have collected some historic moments from the extensive history of the association and the UT. 1961 - Establishment Technische Hogeschool Twente The University of Twente was established on the 23rd of November, 1961. ...